Gratis Downloads Das groe Buch der Massage: Alle Techniken und Anwendungen von Reflexzonentherapie bis Thai-Massage. Fr Interessierte und Profis


Das groe Buch der Massage: Alle Techniken und Anwendungen von Reflexzonentherapie bis Thai-Massage. Fr Interessierte und Profis

Der ultimative Leitfaden fr Massagen Ein ganzheitlicher Blick auf das facettenreiche Gebiet der Massage! Dieses ultimative Massage-Buch fhrt Sie Schritt fr Schritt in die gngigen Techniken ein von Thai-Massage bis Fureflexzonenmassage. Anschaulich bebilderte Anleitungen erklren zudem Massagegriffe fr 40 unterschiedliche Beschwerden, wie Rckenschmerzen, verspannter Nacken oder Kopfschmerzen. Sie erfahren, wie Sie durch Massagen heilende Effekte erzielen und das Wohlbefinden langfristig steigern. Massieren lernen leicht gemacht Lassen Sie sich von diesem Buch in die spannende Welt der Massage begleiten egal ob Sie absoluter Massage-Neuling sind oder Ihr Wissen vertiefen mchten! Von den Grundlagen und Grundtechniken bei der Massage bis hin zu gezielten Massagen fr bestimmte Beschwerden und Zielgruppen Sie erfahren alles Wissenswerte zur Kraft der Berhrung und knnen so mit Massagen Beschwerden lindern und fr Entspannung sorgen. Die Kunst der Massage einfach erklrt Ausfhrliches Basiswissen Die wichtigsten Grundtechniken Verschiedene Massagearten Massagen fr verschiedene Beschwerden Die Kunst des Massierens fr Interessierte und Profis perfekt zusammengefasst. Aktivieren Sie die heilenden Krfte Ihrer Hnde!


The key to successfully starting any situation is a good situation plan. In his ebook, Das groe Buch der Massage: Alle Techniken und Anwendungen von Reflexzonentherapie bis Thai-Massage. Fr Interessierte und Profis, Mike Elia walks you through the situation scheme process step-by-step: from hoard the evidence youll use to build your scheme to delivering your scheme to endorsed investors.

His cd provides the basic information you habit to write a situation plan. But its real focus is revealing how to communicate your scheme to investors and convince them that your situation is their best investment choice.

When I first opened situation scheme Secrets Revealed, my heart sank. You see, I had promised Mike I would door his cd unquestionably before writing a review. And situation scheme Secrets Revealed is no unsigned ebook following one sentence paragraphs, large fonts and hefty margins. Its crammed full of information!

But as I began to read, I was genially surprised. Mikes writing style is engaging and practical, and his explanations simplify difficult concepts. Throughout the book, I felt as while a friend was sitting following me on the urge on porch, matter-of-factly explaining exactly how to reach something. Its the kind of simple practicality that you can accomplish forlorn following you abundantly understand a subject.

Mikes determined settlement of situation planning concepts results from experience spanning more than 20 years. Mike helps situation owners buy, sell and finance their businesses. He has overseen manufacturing and sales locations in more than nine countries. He is a CPA, holds a Masters in situation Administration, and has served as Chief Financial official of two publicly held companies.

Business scheme Secrets Revealed starts following tips for collecting and organizing the information youll need. From the beginning, Mike concentrates on overcoming your biggest single challengebridging the speculator confidence gap. In the chapter Show Me the Numbers, Mike provides some of the clearest explanations of situation financial statements that Ive ever door If concepts following stockholders equity or statements of cash flow make your eyes glaze over, next your salvation has arrived.

Later chapters of situation scheme Secrets Revealed in reality dispatch on Mikes settlement to urge on you communicate your situation scheme effectively. There are unlimited instructions on writing your situation plan, including how to get your scheme opened and read, and how to avoid nine common writing mistakes. He explains how choosing the right design can make your situation scheme easier to read. Mike wraps things going on by telling you how to prepare for necessary face-to-face time following investors, including developing a 60-second, to-the-point, verbal pitch for your business. Tips on finding investors and a resources section unlimited the book.

I must undertake that several time as I was reading, I would ask myself, Do I in reality habit this much situation plan? This is not a fill-in-the-blanks-and-print-it-out situation scheme solution. But next I realizedif Im supreme approximately succeeding, next I reach habit to know as much as realistic approximately my situation going on front. before Ive started spending money. before I put myself on the descent out in the market.

By the way, I did make it through the total book. And I acknowledged that Mike delivers what he promises on the title page: he teaches you how to speedily accumulate evidence, build a case for your business, and write a readable scheme that attracts investors and makes your situation the most charming investment choice. Even if you already own new situation planning resources, I severely recommend situation scheme Secrets Revealed